What are the some great places to visit mathura and vrindavan

All are the best place in mathura and vrindavan. But I will tell you about some places those who are popular.

1.Krishan Jamn Bhoomi( Birth place of Lord Krishan)-
Krishan Janm Bhoomi is a birth place of Lord krishan.here is very beautiful temple and to see.

2.Yamuna ji(Mathura)-
Yamuna is very popular river here. You should worship yamuna ji and enjoy.

3.Raman Reti (mathura)-
Raman Reti is Temple of Lord Krishan, you should visit this is very popular temple of Lord Krishan. Lord Krishan play here in childhood.
The soil of temple is very popular here.

4.Banke Bihari temple vrindavan-
You should visit this temple very popular .
Lord Krishan temple is very beautiful and famous all over the world.

5.Prem mandir vrindavan-
PREM MANDIR is very popular temple for lighting and coloring. You should visit in night. Only in night you will see the real beauty of temple.

6.Kamyavan vrindavan-
This is a very  beautiful and pastime forest. Here Lord Krishan comes daily for Ras.
Those who watch that Ras in night .he can't go alive from here.
So this KAMYAVAN you should visit. 
In night they closed the this KAMYAVAN.

Goverdhan is very popular place for Giriraj mountain. Here Lord Krishan left Giriraj mountain till 7 days and night on his little finger.
Here is 21km PARIKRAMA of Giriraj mountain. This is very  beautiful place .

Barsna is very popular place of Radharani.
Radharani lives here. The Birth place of Radharani is Rawal.

Here is so beautiful and big temple of Radharani. Also a PARIKRAMA of Barsana. Also a holi time Gopis play Holi with stick. Holi of Barsana is very popular.

Nandgoun is the beautiful place , here Lord Krishan live with Nandbaba and Yashoda maiya. 
Here Lord Krishan do their childhood pastimes. Here are very popular places to watch.

10.Dwarikadheesh temple MATHURA-
This temple is very old temple, so famous temple.this is the temple of Lord Krishan. This temple is from that time , that time Lord Krishan was going to Dwarika. Very famous temple and a beautiful temple.

11.Veshno Devi temple chhtikra-
Vesno Devi Temple is very famous and very beautiful temple.In this temple, there is a big sculpture of Vesno Devi. Very famous temple , you should visit and enjoy here.

 I told about Many places here, also a many popular places here. 
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Thank you 😊
Jay sari Krishna 🙏🙏  
Radhe Radhe 🙏🙏🙏🙏
