Thinking about students in india

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                                    Students type

There are many type of students in india. some students are good in study,Also few are good in sport and few are good in business.Also many type of students are in  today i will tell you all type of student.

Topper students:- In the first catagary of students is topper students.All of we know topper students. They always do tope in his fields.They always want to become a topper in any field and also they become topper in that.

Medium type students:-This type of student always thing to become best. But they always live in middile.Students think that we will do something. But this type of student only think never do anything . His thinking is very big but they never do anything. WE can say that they do but  not compelete anything.

       Like they start to a read a book  ,but they never compelete that they never study full book.After reading half book , they left book and they start reading new book.

Also we can say that they can do anything they want but they always live in confution so that's why they live in middile class studnet , Also they have always new ideas but on one ideas they never consentreat on one idea. They aways run to do sumething new. that's why they struggle some in their life.

Weak students:-this type of student never think about his future. They always live happy in his life. Also they always say that nothing is in study , Always live happy and Anything will happen , we will see that time.  Now always live happy. They think many things to do in his life , But they always live in this thinking that we are not good in study , so we can't do anything in our life. Thinking  about his weeknesses they never think to do anything in his life.

But they always think and say that, Everything is possible in life , but only for those who are good in study . Also they never think about big ideas they always think about doing some small jobs. that is comphertable for him. but always they live always live happy in front of everyone , Also they never show off that we know this or, we can do this. 

i like all type off student but you can tell me in comment that what type of students you like. 

Thank you so much 


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